Chapter 3

 France Relance 2030 

         Launched in 2020, the France Relance recovery plan aims to prepare the France of today for the challenges of tomorrow. As part of the “Relocation in Critical Sectors” call for projects under the plan, two projects implemented by LACROIX – “5GREEN MOBILITY” and “SMARTWATER NETWORK” – were named as winners among 58 projects. Through these nominations, we are reaffirming our ambition to be leaders in technology through our ecosystem of partners.

Ambition of the Smart CrossWalk project 

          The result of collaboration between the Rennes Metropolitan Area, via its “inOut” initiative, the Innovation Lab by LACROIX and the City Activity, the Smart Crosswalk project is a solution comprising embedded sensors and software that aims to provide a decision-making tool for road infrastructure operators. It is a solution that addresses the anonymity requirements of the GDPR, as well as deployment constraints, thanks to its plug-and-play installation format. 


Ambition of the Smart Water Network project


        The Smart Water Network offer being implemented by the Environment Activity aims to develop a 5G platform, a secure and sovereign end-to-end solution for the improved remote control and monitoring of water networks. It results in significant savings, whether in terms of resource consumption or costs related to installation and maintenance works.